July 27th, 2022

Best Guidance to Hire Experience Developers from Indian Market

With multi-faceted skills, you have to stand at the crossroads when you are given the responsibility of hiring a dedicated developer. It requires an amalgam of social networking, process management, technical skills, and ultimately intuition.

Assessing the core qualities of software engineering candidates is a challenging task and the power to gauge must be sharp enough to bring out the innovative potential and creativity of the candidate. After the selection, one should prove to be a great team player as well. This means that he can easily take constructive feedback and can be gentle with other peers as well.

Still, coming close to the “soft” criterion is a daunting task, but one that must be met. Evaluating these elusive attributes raises the same transparent questions or challenges and while passing them on to candidates, nothing of substance can be achieved more often.

We have planned this article to develop a systematic approach to hiring developers. The guidelines of this approach, if followed properly, will significantly increase the efficiency of your entire recruitment process.

Personal Networking

Virtuous people are associated with virtuous people. Personal referral brings confidence, so it always turns out to be the most productive source. Referrals are always taken from where we already trust. We trust the comments and words of people especially when our best employees are used to generating leads.

According to a survey conducted by HR technologists, hiring employees through referrals is 55% faster than through career sites. That’s why we see the power of referrals that can make a world of difference when you have tight schedules, and product development pipelines that are increasingly sought after within competing firms.

Online Postings

This trend is prevalent when you want to hire developers in India as well. Developers’ blogs about technical skills largely indicate that the candidate has valuable technical insight into technical concepts, meaning that his or her writing skills will tell whether the candidate is cream-of-the-crop.

Open Source Code

From the candidate’s code on GitHub or SourceForge, you can get an in-depth look at how hard the candidate is working towards professional career development. This allows you to know and evaluate the candidate’s code samples, and then you can contact the candidate.


Speakers at technical conferences often speak about emerging technologies and even if you were not able to participate, you can still go through their online program to learn about the presenter. You may happen to contact them at the right time or in any other way; they can also give you some good references for eligible candidates. The resources at these conferences can help you hire dedicated developers you have vetted.

Technical Acumen

Determining technical competency is a daunting task and is not related to the nuances of a specific programming language or technology. Although technical details cannot be avoided, they cannot be taken as the most important element of the evaluation process.

A skilled developer would never try to commit to memory that is already available in a language specification or API document. Also, it’s a good sign when planning on hiring dedicated developers, that they take it as a trivial exercise when it comes to learning a new technology or design pattern, framework, or library.

In fact, it is a skill in itself to quickly grasp the concepts introduced in technologies on a day-to-day basis. If you want to hire app developers, or you want to hire website developers, or whatever, it will always be a fundamental technical strength of the candidate to self-learn with creative thinking and problem-solving skills.

Technical Tests

During technical tests for recruitment, the proven method is to be unconstrained by language, no matter how challenging. That is, the choice of language should be with the candidate, only he/she gets the correct output. Whatever the correct output is, it should address possible errors and any edge conditions. Overall we need to know how qualified the candidate is to solve the problem and how much computer science knowledge he has.

Incidentally, an added benefit of this approach is that it saves the interviewer from needing to be an expert in the language in which the candidate is coding.

Online Resources

There are a number of online resources from which you can choose programming challenges to include in your interview process. Those sites focus on algorithms and not on knowledge of a specific programming language. These sites facilitate assessment of the candidate’s computer science foundation and problem-solving abilities.

However, keep in mind that you are not required to access these sites to conduct tests; instead, you can just use them as resources to select the challenges and then give the candidate the solution code during the personal interview.

How to know the real me?

One of the inherent flaws is that there’s no way to really know what it’ll be like to work with someone until you’ve actually worked with them. If you have a realistic feel, you will always find it vital to a successful hire. It’s not about finding the technically superior but highly professional. Therefore the search should not be limited to in factor technical evaluation. Dig deeper!

Mutual Interest

It creates a reliable gauge of interest if the candidate contacts you right from the start. The pivotal point to understand is the position of the candidate and the extent to which he is interested in working with you. One-sided relationships don’t work better in business and the most important thing when you want to hire a developer for a project is to check the genuine interest of the candidate.

Wrapping Up

All the points mentioned above can serve as a valuable core process for hiring software developers. Effective recruitment is not a destination, it is a journey so you need to constantly reevaluate and improve to avoid any stagnant process that may arise if you stop reinventing. Every company’s journey is different based on culture and preferences. So we have to find the

Applying for Best Guidance to Hire Experience Developers from Indian Market