July 25th, 2022

Top 6 Things to Look for When Hiring an Android App Developer

Every company deserves a superb Android app. The world has progressed well beyond the days of websites. Now, it is time for Android applications that are quick, versatile, optimized, and dependable.

Since there are innumerable android development companies, hiring Android app developers may not be easy. However, several factors distinguish a good Android development service provider from a terrible one. Therefore, it is not just about the experience but also about other factors that depict whether or not an android app development provider can meet your needs.

Some tips to Hire Android App Developers in 2022

People’s expectations of Android applications have grown with advances in technology. When you hire dedicated Android app developers, make sure your target audience gets the finest experience possible. While a strong need for specification and idea is important, it is up to the Android app developers to make the app worth your time and money.

Here are 6 factors that you should keep in mind when you hire android app developers:

  1. Be specific about your needs
  2. Experience
  3. Technical capabilities
  4. Examine their portfolio and global clientele
  5. Communication skills.
  6. Cost to hire an Android app developer.

Let’s look at them in more detail.

1. Be Specific About Your Needst Here

It is critical to understand your needs before you hire android developers. Android users should know their genuine requirements and the key reason for seeking solutions. Without a doubt, Android app development entails several stages of functional integration, design, etc. However, determining the company’s objectives is critical. Android owners may want to use an app to establish their brand worldwide or enhance their sales by reaching out to a global audience.

So, before you hire a developer to make an app, it is critical to understand your needs and recruit your resources accordingly.

2. Experience

A crucial factor to keep in mind when hiring app developers is the developer’s experience. Therefore, you must be clear about how experienced a developer you want for your project from the start.

There are three main levels of Android developers:

  • Beginner
  • Mid-level
  • Expert level

You may employ a skilled developer based on the needs of your project. However, to bring business-centric solutions to the market, you must engage experienced developers with an in-depth understanding of the development process. Moreover, they should have the ability to solve last-minute technically challenging issues.

Android app owners must determine which level of developer they want to engage with for their android app development project, based on their needs and budget.

3. Technical Capabilities

This is the most important component you need to consider before you hire Android app developers. They must have technical expertise in various technologies, frameworks, and the other related aspects.

To satisfy the most recent development expectations, developers need to be familiar with two main coding languages, Java and Kotlin. Kotlin is the hottest trend in Android app development right now. It is a modern Android app development platform for launching your solution into the market.

Aside from that, developers should know how to use the Android SDK tools and third-party integration APIs. It aids in the development process’s productivity and performance.

4. Examine their Portfolio and Global Clientele

The portfolio of the developers is another thing that you should consider when you hire android app developers. Before hiring a developer, business owners should request portfolios to assess the projects they have worked on. This will give you a sense of their creativity and skill set. In addition, it will aid them in selecting the correct developer for their project and getting a sense of the programmer’s working style.

In addition, reading testimonials and verifying the client’s assessment of a firm may save you time. Being a business owner, you may understand the importance of receiving positive client feedback.

Examine the official websites of the selected app development businesses to discover if they have worked with a worldwide clientele. Moreover, find out what their clients have said and their client retention ratio. If workable, contact their prior clients personally to confirm the android app development company’s legitimacy.

Furthermore, if a firm offers outsourcing to its global clientele, you can be confident that they have skilled mobile app developers working for overseas organizations and clients.

5. Communication Abilities

Note down all that you need to in advance before you hire android app development. It should also involve communication and speaking abilities. The developer should be able to clearly explain their thoughts and ideas and, conversely, grasp yours.

However, communication is crucial when dealing with a developer. It is also possible that a lack of communication will hurt the quality of the final product. In addition, it enables you to assess the efficacy and capability of the developer you believe would be a good fit for your project.

An android developer must possess specific competence, qualification, and good communication abilities. So, make sure that your developer is skilled at communicating and comprehending concepts.

6. Cost to Hire Android App Developer

Cost plays a significant role in the development of a mobile app. Any business owner who wants to put their business online through a mobile app is likely to ask this question. Is the money I’m paying appropriate?

When you want to hire android developers, the cost can vary remarkably. The more expertise they have, the higher the expense. Consider this when the developer requests an outrageous fee.


In 2022, we will see an increase in the number of people who want an Android app developed for their businesses. As a result, the need for developers is expected to continue to surge. However, it will take some effort to discover a professional or a company that can justify your Android app development needs.

We hope the points above will come in handy while hiring an android app developer for your next mobile application project.

Applying for Top 6 Things to Look for When Hiring an Android App Developer